Tuesday, July 3, 2007

I'm Back!!!! (to be read in the voice of 'Batty' in Fern Gully!)
Hey, fellow bloggers! I am in a b----in' mood--so bear with me! My boss put out the schedule for next school year--it names every single certified staff member except for us 4 Sped. teachers. Now, I ask you, what is wrong with this picture? I have called my Phoebe bird (we teach in the same room and she already has tenure, so she can b----) and she will e- the boss and see if we can also get our names on the blinking schedule. I know--it is a minor thing, but it tends to undermine us as teachers, looks disrespectful, and is unnecessary. So there.

My son--yes, yes, children and b----ing are the only things us moms blog about--went to the Donna Reed Festival this summer. It is a 5-day camp for acting and singing lessons. They hold it in Dennison, Iowa, and the families put the kids up in their homes. At first he and best friend were going, then best decided not to go, so D. wasn't going, so I said--look, it ts time for you to begin doing things for yourself (besides I had already taken out a small loan to pay for it!!!). He agreed and to my great relief/delight he had the time of his life. When I went to get him I asked if they had all exchanged e-mails and he said no--they exchanged cell #s!!!! What are ya gonna do?

Okay--on to politics. What is the deal with Hill using the Sopranos as her model for an ad? Get real--isn't she the 'it takes a village to raise a child' person? So I ask you, how violent, neurotic and totally screwed up do we want that child???

On the brighter side, Lori and I are looking forward to a weekend spoiling ourselves and her sister Becky Boo. Just haven't worked out the kinks in the date yet. I am thinking manicure/pedicure/massage followed with the biggest d--- Margarita in the world!!! I must appologize--something about you guys makes the daring, tequila drinkin', table dancin', cussin' fool come out in me!!

Am waiting on L. and S. to get ready to go to Lebonan with me. What I'd really like to do there is go to the Harley shop for my bad self and then go the MFA and buy overalls for all the baby gifts I need to give. But L. has better ideas for the babies. Oh, well, maybe the Harley shop at least?

I am in the agonizing process of taking control of my finances. I have been a widow for 12 years and have never actually taken responsibility for my checkbooks. So last night I dreamed about remodeling my house, and building a house, and a large piece of furniture was missing a supporting post. It did not make sense to me. Then the dream became my huge family and Granddad Abel was there telling me about an audit of our family reunion. Okay--yes, my bills are out of control and I am working on an audit of my own. And I often dream Granddad when it is something important. But what was that about the big piece of furniture missing a leg or post? Lori says the house is me and the piece of furniture is the piece of my life that is missing. Wow! After 12 years I am still missing a piece? Okay, yeah, that sounds right. She is so insightful.

Am in need of something to read--I have re-read all my Harry Potter, Kaye Scarpetta and Harry Bosch books. Any suggestions? Recently began to read something about a guy named Reacher--can't for the life of me think of the author.

Oh, well, look forward to your responses.
Peace, Sister Golden Hair